How do I respond to investor questions and comments in my Reg CF?

The beauty of crowdfunding is that it allows everyone to be involved in the fundraising process. With equity crowdfunding through StartEngine, potential investors are able to ask you questions directly to the company, through the "Engage" section of the campaign page. You will be able to respond to these by going to the Manage Campaign Promotors tab of the "Campaign Options" section of your StartEngine campaign.

Anyone in the company or associated with the company is required to be labeled a "Promotor" or "Issuer" when responding to these comments. By simply clicking, "Add Promotor", and entering in the email address (must be an address associated with a StartEngine account) of the user you want to have listed as a promotor/issuer, that account will then be able to respond to comments.

Please know that only the StartEngine email associated with the live campaign will be able to respond directly to the comments, while others will simply have the appropriate "tag" next to their name-- I.e. "Issuer" or "Promoter".



NOTE: The company cannot provide their company email address in these comments as the SEC requires ALL communication between a potential investor and a company be public. 

For any other quesitons or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to

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